Carpenter Emanuel Cigar Night
Brothers and Friends… You are cordially and fraternally invited to the 2016 Carpenter-Emanuel Lodge Cigar Night. All details and RSVP information are on the flyer. Please pass this flyer along
Brothers and Friends… You are cordially and fraternally invited to the 2016 Carpenter-Emanuel Lodge Cigar Night. All details and RSVP information are on the flyer. Please pass this flyer along
A nice picture of Brothers enjoying Carpenter Emanuel’s cigar night on City Island. A great night of fellowship and brotherly love.
A night of hand made cigars, top shelf liqueur and conversation. Thank you to the brothers who came to this event, and the brothers who could not join us were missed.
Brothers, our annual picnic is this Saturday. Come and support your lodge RSVP Brother Miguel no later then Wednesday. Lets rock this event.
It is important that we exercise our obligation and right, should we want AND desire others to excel in Our Craft. A message from our Most Worshipful Grand Master Jeffrey
Brothers You are cordially and fraternally invited to the 2016 Carpenter-Emanuel Lodge Cigar Night. All details and RSVP information are on the flyer. Please pass this flyer along to Masons
Carpenter-Emanuel Lodge #588 is happy to announce the release of our new website. The website will take a few months for all functions to be activated and new sections to