3 events found.
Entered Apprentice Degree
Juan Pablo Duarte Lodge #1195 71 W 23rd Street - 8th Floor, NY, NYJoint Degree with Juan Pablo Duarte Lodge #1195
4th Annual District Festive Board
Grand Lodge 71 W 23rd Street, NY, NY, United States4th Annual District Festive Board 6:30pm Room 2 East Benefit Harbor Veterans Hospital
Brother Bring a Friend Night
Jacobean Room 71 w 23rd Street, NY, NYCarpenter Emanuel Lodge No.588 cordially invites you to the Annual Brother Bring a Friend Night. A Night Of Food, Beverage and Fellowship Advance ticket purchase is a must. Festive Board Opens at 7:00pm. $65.00 per Ticket $70.00 at door with no guarantee of seating. TO RSVP CLICK LINK: https://BBAF2023.eventbrite.com Agenda for the Evening: Dinner